Carrie Hessler-Radelet: America needs Peace Corps Park, now more than ever
Dear supporters,
From my experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Samoa to my term as director of the Peace Corps, I have seen how lives are changed by people working together, through service, to further the cause of peace. That service is an important part of our nation's legacy.
Americans have always stood for democracy, justice, equality, and service. The belief that what unites us is so much greater than that which divides us. The knowledge that, through service, we can create a better world together. These are the values that continue to draw people to our shores and reflect the best of America.
Peace Corps Park is a space where stories of service will come alive—a place where we will celebrate the uniquely American spirit of Peace Corps dedicated to fostering understanding and building bridges of peace. It is a place where anyone, regardless of culture, race, faith, ethnicity, or background, can reflect upon the idea that we are all part of one human family.
Peace Corps Park is more than a place on the map. It is a living, breathing testament to America’s compassion and perseverance in service of humanity. Please join me in ensuring that this symbol of the American idea becomes a reality, with a donation that will ensure future generations are inspired by the ideas that inspire us.
Your generosity is not just an investment in a park; it is an investment in hope and the idea that, even in times of division, we can find common ground. That even when challenges feel insurmountable, we can persevere. That together, through compassion and action, we can create a world that reflects the very best of who we are.
Many thanks for your support, and for your faith in the power of peace through service. Let’s work together to make our vision a reality.
With warm regards,
Carrie Hessler-Radelet
Board Director, Peace Corps Commemorative Foundation
Director, Peace Corps (2014-17)
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Samoa (1981-84)
An image of Carrie Hessler-Radelet and her husband as Peace Corps Volunteers in Samoa